The Kientzy Law Firm is available by appointment from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, to provide legal services to its clients. We can personally meet with our clients in their office, or ours, by preference.
Though the Kientzy Law Firm is a small firm, it has the availability and capability to perform services as needed. We make every effort to return our client’s phone calls and emails within 24 hours from when they are received, and do whatever is necessary to provide our clients with prompt responsiveness to their legal issues.
The Kientzy Law Firm uses LexisNexis Online ( for online legal research. provides access to Pure Lexis with full Shepards Citation Service (Pure Lexis includes Federal and State Appellate Case Law, Federal Administrative Materials, State Administrative Materials, Federal & State Legislative Materials, and many Secondary Source Materials).
KLF also has an in-office library of the American Law Reports (ALR 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and Fed 1st), the United States Code Service, and Federal Aviation Regulations, Airman’s Information Manual, and a substantial library of aviation-related publications.
In the event that and the in-office libraries are insufficient, the KLF is a member of the Washington University Law Library Association permitting access to over 700,000 volumes of research materials.